title = "Contact Me" url = "/contact" layout = "default" is_hidden = 0 [emptyForm contactform] group = "Contact Me" rules[name] = "required" rules[email] = "required|email" rules[message] = "required" messages_success = "Your form was successfully submitted" messages_errors = "There were errors with your submission" mail_enabled = 1 mail_subject = "Contact Me" mail_recipients[] = "j@son-williams.ca" mail_replyto = "email" reset_form = 1 inline_errors = "disabled" sanitize_data = "disabled" anonymize_ip = "disabled" recaptcha_enabled = 1 recaptcha_theme = "light" recaptcha_type = "image" recaptcha_size = "invisible" emails_date_format = "Y-m-d" ==
The simplest and quickest way to contact me is by completing the form below.
{% component 'contactform' %}Sometimes the more traditional ways of getting in touch are just better...
4th Floor, 1207 11 Ave SW,
Calgary, AB, T3C 0M5
...and sometimes it's better to keep up with the times.
{% partial 'social' nocode = true nocontact = true %}