2020-05-16 09:53:45 -06:00
title = "Contact Me"
url = "/contact"
layout = "default"
is_hidden = 0
2020-05-18 11:49:56 -06:00
[emptyForm contactform]
group = "Contact Me"
rules[name] = "required"
rules[email] = "required|email"
rules[message] = "required"
messages_success = "Your form was successfully submitted"
messages_errors = "There were errors with your submission"
mail_enabled = 1
mail_subject = "Contact Me"
mail_recipients[] = "j@son-williams.ca"
mail_replyto = "email"
2020-05-20 13:53:39 -06:00
reset_form = 1
2020-05-18 11:49:56 -06:00
inline_errors = "disabled"
sanitize_data = "disabled"
anonymize_ip = "disabled"
recaptcha_enabled = 1
recaptcha_theme = "light"
recaptcha_type = "image"
recaptcha_size = "invisible"
emails_date_format = "Y-m-d"
2020-05-16 09:53:45 -06:00
2020-05-18 11:49:56 -06:00
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-7">
<h1>Contact Me</h1>
<p>The simplest and quickest way to contact me is by completing the form below.</p>
2020-10-23 22:54:30 +00:00
{% component 'contactform' %}
2020-05-18 11:49:56 -06:00
<div class="col-lg-5">
<h2>Old School</h2>
<p>Sometimes the more traditional ways of getting in touch are just better...</p>
2020-10-23 22:54:30 +00:00
<p><img style="width: 100%;" src="https://api.mapbox.com/styles/v1/jason32dev/ckgehopjc2o1y19o09aqs4x11/static/pin-l+B05C71(-113.9771279,51.1112454)/-113.9771279,51.1112454,14,0/545x150@2x?access_token=pk.eyJ1IjoiamFzb24zMmRldiIsImEiOiJjazFsNHd5djcwMXptM2htbW8zM3MyZGxuIn0.-TtNNGFysQPQRfGR1P8DUA"></p>
<p>3699 63 Ave NW,<br>
Calgary, AB, T3J 0G7</p>
2020-09-26 15:05:51 -06:00
<p><a href="tel:+18252575025">(825) 257-5025</a></p>
2020-05-18 11:49:56 -06:00
<h2>New Cool</h2>
<p>...and sometimes it's better to keep up with the times.</p>
{% partial 'social' nocode = true nocontact = true %}
2020-10-23 22:54:30 +00:00
<div class="col-lg-7">
<p>If you wish, you may use my <a href="/pgp"><i class="fas fa-key"></i> PGP public key</a> to encrypt anything that you send me.</p>
2020-05-18 11:49:56 -06:00