Completed weather app, including all updates from Section 9 (Videos 60-69)
18 lines
811 B
18 lines
811 B
const request = require('request')
const forecast = (latitude, longitude, callback) => {
const url = 'https://api.darksky.net/forecast/bae9e39ba5c00299d5a95b35c1ae20cc/' + latitude + ',' + longitude + '?units=si'
request({ url, json: true }, (error, {body}) => {
if (error) {
callback('Unable to connect to weather service!', undefined)
} else if (body.error) {
callback('Unable to find location', undefined)
} else {
callback(undefined, body.daily.data[0].summary + ' It is currently ' + body.currently.temperature + ' degrees out. Today\'s high will be ' + body.daily.data[0].temperatureMax + ' degrees, with a low of ' + body.daily.data[0].temperatureMin + '. There is a ' + body.currently.precipProbability + '% chance of rain.')
module.exports = forecast